Social Media has become part and parcel of our lives recently . We are living in the era where we just can’t imagine at-least one day without smartphone and internet. Digitalization has a massive impact on the social media thus driving high profits to tech giants like Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, LinkedIn etc..To know more on the Social media register for the event now.
Thus new platforms have emerged serving the niche interests providing latest updates. For example, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr has been designed to be useful for the photography lovers with images and videos. Thus social media has made the lives easier by providing a path to pursue a hobby as a career.
Every corner of the world can be connected with just a simple click with social media. Facebook plays a huge role in connecting people with friends, family and others of same interests and hobbies. It just takes a few seconds to know what’s happening around us with the help of social media platforms.
Social media not only helps the individuals and needy people but also drives the sales to the businesses with a good strategy.Thus startups have to focus on the niche related social media platforms to follow and understand the end customers. Brand building and brand awareness can be done smoothly and easily with the active presence on the social media.
How to Celebrate Social Media Day :
World Social Media Day is celebrated on June 30, every year worldwide. It’s a big fest and a great moment for social media influencers and enthusiasts to come together and unveil the opportunities available.
Register here and join hands together for a social gathering that helps to scale your personal profile to a known brand in India and abroad. Only social media has that potential of spreading virality within a minute.
Grab this opportunity of meeting marketers and entrepreneurs with their viral ideas that gives deeper insights on the positive outcomes of social media for any business.
Connect with like minded people and get networking with professionals, enthusiasts and discuss about latest trends, industry updates in social media.
Agenda of the Social Media Day event – June 30 :
Click here to know the detailed agenda on the event
- Registrations and Networking
- Welcome Note
- Social Selling Index and scoring strategies by leveraging Social Media
- Psychometrics and neuromarketing ideas for engaging facebook audience
- YouTube strategies in terms of ranking and making viral videos
- Announcements / Photo Op / Closing Note
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