By S.Jagan Reddy ,  Co-founder –

We come across some of the hiring managers complain against attitude of the job seekers and the kind of resumes the job seekers send while applying for a job , when the job is made available open to the professionals to apply to that particular opening.

Below are the quotes from few of the hiring managers from the various sectors :

  • It was disappointing factor to see that 50% of profiles received were already shared profiles,
  • Few of the profiles shared were with incorrect name spelling addressing the recipient.
  • Resumes were forwarded with other previous chain mail shared with other recruiters and not addressed to the respective individual.
  • Few of them were open profiles shared with many recruiters of different organizations along with a CC to me.
  • Major of them were “Please find attached herewith my resume” or “PFA my RESUME”
  • Folks please do understand to devote 2 minutes of your life to draft a proper email while applying for a job
  • It clearly shows how irresponsible and unprofessional approach they have towards their career
  • While sharing resume isn’t a selection criteria, but a basic expectation from every job seeker to devote some time on their resume writing skills view :

Even though we totally agree with the above, but then we beg to differ and lean a bit towards job seekers, the reason being that the job seekers are getting frustrated a bit due to the no feedback approach of the companies. Imagine a company with good turnover, plenty of cash and many employees are not providing right feedback to the job seeker after sending their resume when they are in need of job and  when they desperately trying for one. If companies follow such approach, we see no wrong in job seeker sending one liner with attachment. Respect is like give and take policy. Being seen many job seeker frustration over the companies telling them one liners like “we will get back to you” and they never get back to them. Sorry if I hurt you by these words, but these are the facts and sometimes facts do hurt.

Few others industry experts views are here :

  • I have a lot of HR friends and I have seen them how they act upon receiving a CV from candidates, they least bother to see the e-mail contents what candidates write. I want to ask one simple question, does recruiters replies or acknowledge the emails they receives?? It’s easy to point finger to others but don’t forget that few of your own fingers are pointing to you as well.
  • After putting efforts in writing CV and cover letter, you don’t get short listed. Even recruiters don’t revert back informing that the selection process is over. Till now I am unable to understand what works professional CV or contacts of the people whom you know in the industry. Ultimately it is the “PUSH & PULL” factors.
  • It’s very easy to make these kind of one sided posts sitting in an air conditioned cubicle. Once you don’t have a job and desparate to get one , then you will feel the pinch.
  • Assuming, that the rest of 50% profiles which were actually good but for some reason you did not hired those candidates, did you write them back the particular reason for their rejection of each candidate? If not, you must understand the basic expectations of candidates too.
  • The world has changed with the underlying technology. If I am applying using my mobile phone, I won’t prefer to exceed 160 characters probably. I don’t carry my desktop all the time and I don’t want to be the last applicant too. Moreover, I will never pass on extra and irrelevant information if not specifically asked by the recruiters. Anyhow that’s what my resume is for and not my email.
  • Recently someone from my school reached out. I said , sure send me the profile. The mail comes… “Dear Hiring Manager”… I did messaged him and tell that we just chatted on whatsapp. You know me, my name etc and still you send me a mail with dear hiring manager… advised him to take a few minutes to personalise where possible. For him, I was just a mail forward. It surprises me at times. I just think by sending standard festive forwards on whatsapp, people have started to use that for their profiles too. … and just as those forwards of festive wishes do not work, this also doesn’t.
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